Michele Jamison

Body By Mj One-To-One Coaching


Welcome to the Body By Mj One-To-One Coaching Program from Michele Jamison, the Body Transformation Specialist who will help you lose weight and get the body of your dreams!

Scroll to learn more.  Then let's chat.

For over 15 years, Michele Jamison has been helping men & women transform their bodies and their lives as a Body Transformation Specialist.
 Now you can work directly with her too!

As a Certified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Diet, Fitness, and Health Coach, Michele Jamison will Take You By The Hand to Teach and Train you on everything you need. Strength training, nutrition, cardiovascular exercise, supplementation.
 There's no guesswork.

Best of all, you will be working directly with Michele, and she will build custom plans that take into account your unique needs and goals.
The BODY BY MJ oNE-TO-ONE COACHING PROGRAM is the perfect plan for anyone who is committed to starting the journey of Body Transformation and ready to work 1:1.

One-On-One, Face-To-Face coaching is for the person looking for a longer term plan with the utmost support and necessary level of guidance needed to start implementing real, long-lasting lifestyle changes.

This is for you if you need a hands-on diet & fitness coach.  You are looking for guidance and direction to create a sustainable diet plan and fitness program that delivers results!

"When What You Want Is More Important Than What You Are Willing To Give Up,
You Will Succeed"

Michele Jamison



Hands-on guided workouts designed to take your training to the next level and to help you get fit whether you train at home or a gym. I give you exactly what to do exercise-by-exercise, rep-by-rep. These workouts will be changed as you progress toward your goals and as your physique changes. We will bust through plateaus and take you to the best shape of your life!


Diet really is 80% of what it takes to really achieve a lean and fit body. With my One-To-One Coaching Program, I will create for you complete nutrition plans specifically customized to your needs. Calorie ranges, macronutrient breakdown, meal timing, all of the critical info so that your diet is perfectly aligned with your goals. And of course, that changes as your body changes!


It's not enough to be handed workout and diet plans if there is no accountability. With my One-To-One Coaching program, you will be working with me side-by-side to achieve your victory win!  I will be your #1 Fan, your biggest supporter and when you need it, the one that provides just the kick in the pants you need. I WANT YOU TO SUCCEED and it is my job to make sure that happens!


Once your training and nutrition are in great places, then supplements can make all the difference. Throughout our fitness training, I will provide for you real, no nonsense advice about the best supplements for results. Whether your goal is to lose weight, to gain muscle & strength, or both, you will get the advice you need. Don't waste your time and money on supplements and protein powder that you don't need!


Throughout our one-to-one coaching journey, you will see some pretty incredible changes and we are going to document those with each step. Every 2 weeks we will be weighing, and every 4 weeks we will be taking physical measurements and every 6 weeks we will be taking photos. (I am very strict on following these rules - no cheating by getting on the scale)  Also at every 4 week interval we will be doing the BBMJ Fit Test which helps us understand some key measures of health and fitness. Strength, flexibility, cardio endurance... all of the things you need to be healthy and fit on the inside too!


I'm so proud and grateful to have had the privilege of being a part of so many amazing body transformations over the last 15 years helping them lose weight, gain muscle and get fit. Since there is nothing is more motivating than to understand the path other people have taken to achieve long term transformation results you can check out the stories of those that I've worked with in my Testimonials section!  I look forward to adding you to the Wall Of Fame!!

How It Works


The Body By Mj One-To-One Coaching Program all begins with a simple email. Fill out the form below and I will contact you for a deeper conversation about yourself and your long term body transformation/weight loss/fitness goals. Before I become your personal body transformation coach, I want to be sure we are a good match and to answer 100% of your questions. Plus it helps me get to know you better! Rest assured, you never have to make a payment before we talk over the phone!

Once we determine we can work together, I will send you a link to sign up and take your payment.   After that, I'll send you some initial paperwork for you to fill out. You'll complete the paperwork and send that back. AND then we will have a one-on-one session to set some goals and make plans.

ready for YOUR weight loss win?

Since everyone I work with is unique, I create training and nutrition programs that are specific to your body and your needs. We will come up with a schedule for 3 sessions per week for workouts and nutrition coaching in your home or outside as I deem pertinent to reaching your goals.

That's right! No assistants, no online apps... when you reach out I WILL BE THERE!  To provide motivation and to keep you accountable. In my One-To-One Coaching Program, I will show you exactly what to do to get results FAST. No more guesswork about which exercises to do or what kind of diet you should follow. Oh, and I WANT your feedback. I hope you are ready, because you and I are going to be a team.

This is sooo important! If you choose to make me your Body Transformation Coach, I am going to hold you accountable. Every 2 weeks you will weigh, and I will track it. 

Every 4 weeks we will take measurements, and I will track it. 

Every 6 weeks we will take progress pictures, and I will track it.

But most importantly, I want to hear how you are feeling, the things that are working for you and of course the things that are not working. 

We will compare pics side by side to really understand how you are progressing. I then take all of that info and make changes to your programs to keep us moving in the right direction.

Positive Motivation & Support from a US National Body Transformation who's been where you're at and understands what it takes to achieve results.

I will be there for you every step of the way!

12 Week Program – $2,999

+.60 cents per mile

12 WEEK/36 SESSIONS PROCESS - (1) 60-minute health assessment + goal setting session, (1) 2-hour food prep session, prepared custom nutrition plan with adjustments as you progress, 12 Week prepared progressive workout program with hands on guidance, email & text support between sessions + BONUS 4-day food journal video review.

(payment plans are available)

Are you ready?  Let's Chat first!

"Body By Mj is no gimmick"

"When I first started working with Michele, I was at 28.5% bodyfat and at the end of week 12, I was 20.5%! ....Michele is so honest and will answer all your questions no matter how repetitive they seem. She truly cares about you reaching your goals. Body By Mj is no gimmick!!!"

Keri Leigh

-44lbs | -37" | -20.5%bf

"She really cares and wants me to succeed"

"I had reached a point where I was at my heaviest. Michele's positive attitude and gentle nudging keep me headed in the right direction...the results have been amazing! Michele understands where I am coming from (since she’s been there) and has helped me through those times of doubt and fear. She is way more than just a nutrition coach & personal trainer! She really cares and wants to see me succeed. Thanks Michele!"

Sandy Sievert

-31 1/2lbs | -23" | -13.1%bf


I'm michele!


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