Hello!  I'm Michele!

I'm a Body Transformation Specialist, Certified Nutritionist, Weight Loss Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivator, Educator and Ready To Be Your #1 Fan!

Welcome to Body By Mj

let's start with my story...

How Michele Jamison escaped her chrysalis and spread her wings.

"For more than 20 years, Michele had suffered and felt miserable,
longing to get fit, but never having the will power to do it. Today, she
is a healthy, happy, fit and energetic woman … nothing remains of
her former self.  Her transformation changed her from the inside out
and now her goal is to help others achieve similar results."

Dedicated To empowering You to create positive change

I'm passionate about teaching people to implement strategies that align their lives to hit the target.  Educating and empowering people to make a lifestyle change on a successful transformation journey, that is my #1 priority.  When you can learn and implement self-improvement skills that build your self-confidence and strengthen your damaged self-esteem, it will empower you to design your life and live to your full potential. Mind, Body, Spirit. - it's all connected.

My mission is to equip people with those skills of focused concentrated effort in goal setting. Achieving little victories along the way, so you can finally experience your own VICTORY WIN!!

This is not a diet & exercise program it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. It takes a combination of proper nutrition, weight training and cardio to see long-lasting results. Michele is always there to answer my questions. Thank you so much for all of the support that you have given me. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Teresa B.

How to go from Broken to Empowered (and do it for life!)

Making changes is hard, and we all fight the fact that having a fit, healthy body takes effort and commitment.
It’s all about being honest and realistic about the level of discomfort you’re willing to experience to achieve the reward you want. And then taking ACTION to make decisions.
When you decide that your life will ultimately be shaped not by conditions, but by your decisions, then, in that moment, your life will change forever, and you will be empowered to take control.

Scroll down to read about the various ways to get started.

Nutrition Coaching

Diet really is 80% of what it takes to achieve a lean and fit body.  With the Body By Mj Nutrition Plans, you get customized programs and support to achieve your victory win!

What's Included:

Health Assessment Consultation.
Food Journal Video Review for education.
Custom Nutrition Plan for your goals.
Stats tracking for progress education.
Ongoing Support for the duration.
Easy To Follow Programs.

Michele will teach and train you to eat for a lifestyle change achieving the results you are dreaming about.

Diet & Fitness Coaching

This is for you if:

You need a hands-on diet & fitness coach.  You are looking for guidance and direction to create a sustainable diet plan and fitness program that you can do from now on.  (these programs are in person or online)

What's Included:

Health Assessment Consultation.
Food Journal Video Review for education.
Custom Nutrition Plan for your goals.
Custom Workout Program for your goals.
Stats tracking for progress education.
Ongoing Support for the duration.

Working one-on-one, either in person or online, gives you the optimum opportunity to reach your goals.

Done-For-You Programs

From a DFY Diet & Fitness Course to Printable Workouts and Nutrition Plans, there's something for everyone's budget. 

What's Included:

A 90 Day Diet & Fitness Course (coming soon!) 
Cardio Workout Printable
Fat Burning Workout Printable
Calorie Specific Nutrition Plans
Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Plans
Progressive Lifting Workout

If you're sick-and-tired of being sick-and-tired of not achieving your weight loss goals, then these programs are a great place to start.

When What You Want Is More Important Than What You Are Willing To Give Up, You Will Succeed.

Michele Jamison

The benefits of my proven Programs

4 simple steps to success

Make a decision to make a lifestyle change and partner with a Champion.

Trust that all programs have been tried and tested over & over again with 100% success rate.

Become a sponge and learn from someone who's been in your shoes and will give guidance to victory.

Put the ear plugs in and the blinders on so you can F.O.C.U.S.  Follow One Course Until Successful

My coaching will help you with: 

Increased Self Confidence and shattered Self Esteem
Gain Strength and Mobility
Create Healthy Food Choices for life
Cultivate awareness to a better Mind Body Balance
Empower You To Create Positive Change
Give you a new lease on life

I'm pumped and ready to go... are you ready?
Choose your best next step or contact me to schedule a consultation to chat.

Copyright Body By Mj © 2013-2024. All Rights Reserved.


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