Welcome to another episode of The MJ SHOW podcast!

Today we’re talking about how to Beat The Stress Before It Beats You. It’s important to understand that while you can’t eliminate all stress from your life, you can choose to respond to it in a healthier way and learn to manage it more successfully.

International unrest, financial difficulties, job conflicts, relationship issues, child-rearing, physical problems. There’s no doubt about it, Americans are feeling the effects of challenging situations and circumstances more now than ever before.

And, if these stressors weren’t enough, the holiday season, with all of its hustle and bustle, expense, unfulfilled expectations, and family dynamics – can leave you feeling less than joyful.

There’s no arguing that stress can be unhealthy.

As universal as stress may be, people tend to respond in different ways to stressors.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Identify your stressors, so you can get a handle on what you’re up against.
  • Reframe the stressors that can’t be eliminated, by putting things in perspective.
  • Solve little problems before they become big ones. 
  • Treat your body well, so it’s better equipped to handle stressful events.
  • How chronic stress affects your health.


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In this episode of The MJ Show, I’ve got some tips to help you choose how to respond to it in a healthier way, and learn to manage it more successfully.

Click here to listen now!

So get on. Get Excited.

I’m so grateful for the generosity of your time, attention, and heart. More than you know.

With SO much love,





Michele Jamison
Michele Jamison

A National Body Transformation Champion, Certified Nutritionist, Body Transformation Specialist, Health & Life Coach, and CEO of Body By Mj. Michele will teach you how to shed excess body fat, get stronger, leaner, fitter, and break your own belief barriers so you can live your best life now. You will learn the step-by-step strategies she used to win a National Transformation Contest out of 3000 contestants and went on to build a coaching business repeating that success with one client after another worldwide.

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